Best Hydrocele and Varicocele Doctors in Jaipur

Best Hydrocele and Varicocele Doctors in Jaipur

Hydrocele and Varicocele can be treated with the best hydrocele varicocele doctors in Jaipur. Hydrocele and varicocele are identified as the problems that are generally associated with male reproductive organs. Hydrocele can be recognized as the scrotal swelling that primarily occurs when there is a collection of fluid in the thin sheath that surrounds the testicle. This is a common problem in the case of newborns and generally disappears after reaching the age of 1 year. But sometimes adult men also suffer from this problem.

On the other hand, the varicocele is similar to varicose veins but the only difference is that these occur around the testicles. Although the varicocele does not lead to any major problems, it can harm fertility in males.

Consult the best hydrocele varicocele doctors in Jaipur to get your problems cured in no time

Both the hydrocele and varicocele have different symptoms and therefore, it becomes all the more important that the males should have a clear idea regarding these diseases. In the case of hydrocele, the most common indication is identified in the form of painless swelling that occurs in either or both testicles. Further, in the case of adult men, they might experience heaviness due to swollen scrotum and this can be a cause of great discomfort. As soon as the inflammation rises, it leads to a more painful situation.

In the case of varicocele, it rarely shows any signs or symptoms in the form of pain. But in some situations, the male suffering from varicocele can observe pain that may get worse over the end of the day, also the pain enhances due to physical exertion or standing and reduces when the male is lying on his back. Moreover, the condition can lead to impaired fertility over the period if not treated on time.

The best hydrocele varicocele doctors in Jaipur can help males by clearly identifying the problem and getting the needed treatment and medication for overcoming the problem. In the case of baby boys, the hydrocele might disappear on its own but in the case of the adult male, they should get the right consultation at the right time so that the problems do not lead to any major complications in the future.

In the case of varicocele, if the male observes a difference in the size of the testicles or a mass in the scrotum, it is the most appropriate time that he should immediately consult the doctor. Moreover, if the male is facing infertility related issues then also the varicocele doctors can provide the necessary assistance.

The treatment adopted by the best hydrocele varicocele doctors in Jaipur includes open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. Depending on the condition of the patient, the surgical procedure is recommended but since laparoscopic surgery results in faster recovery, most of the doctors adopt this method of treatment. The laparoscopic surgeon for passing the tiny instrument like laparoscope makes a small cut (incision) in the abdomen and thus repairs the varicocele. Moreover, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. To treat hydrocele in adult men, the surgical procedures like hydrocelectomy are used in which a small incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen (in the scrotum) to remove the hydrocele.