Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgeon in Jaipur

Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgeon in Jaipur

Do you find weight loss as an unachievable task? Despite so many efforts, are you not able to lose weight? Weight loss and bariatric surgeon in Jaipur can help you control weight for a healthy living. A person suffering from obesity is expected to undergo weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery when he/ she has a BMI (Body Mass Index) of more than 35. Moreover, obesity is also categorized under different classes and class 2 (BMI between 35-40) and class 3 (40 or more) level of obesity cannot be treated with exercise and diet alone.

Learn how the weight loss and bariatric surgeon in Jaipur can help you in avoiding excessive weight

For treating class 2 and class 3 levels of obesity, bariatric surgeons adopt surgical procedures like bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery can be identified as the operation that is undertaken for weight loss by making significant changes to the digestive system of the obese person. Thus, the surgery helps in restricting the amount of food that can be held by the stomach leading to malabsorption of nutrients.

In some kinds of bariatric surgeries, the stomach is made smaller so that the person eats and drinks less and at the same time has the feeling of a full stomach. In certain other cases, the surgery results in making potential changes to the small intestine which results in the absorption of fewer calories and nutrients from food.

The Weight Loss and bariatric surgeon in Jaipur suggest bariatric surgery if the person has serious health issues such as sleep apnea or Type 2 diabetes. The surgery is found to be one of the most suitable options in case the person is not able to lose weight or regain weight after using other methods like medication or lifestyle changes.

The hormonal changes are also observed at the time of undertaking the bariatric surgery procedures. With the advancement in technology, most bariatric surgeons are resorting to minimally invasive techniques i.e. laparoscopic surgery so that the patient experience the least pain with faster recovery.

In addition to this, the type of bariatric surgery procedure adopted by the weight loss surgeons depends on the condition and the level of obesity from which the person is suffering. Some of the commonly used procedures include the adjustable gastric band, gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/ DS) and the sleeve gastrectomy. The bariatric surgery when combined with a comprehensive treatment plan offers benefits of long term weight and thus, helps in improving the quality of life.

The Weight Loss and bariatric surgeon in Jaipur explain the countless benefits of bariatric surgery in the form of a healthy and a better social life. The patient can observe improved functionality in the form of greater mobility, high self-esteem, enhanced social interactions along with a reduction in mental stress, anxiety, and depression. The long term success rate of the surgery can be observed from the fact that obese persons who had weight loss surgery have a potentially lower risk of death as compared to the individuals who do not undergo the surgery.