Let your hernia problem be treated with the top laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Jaipur and take a step towards a pain-free life.
The hernia can be recognized as the condition when an organ (mainly the intestines) comes out of the body through a weakened area specially the abdominal wall. Although other different types of hernias occur in the groin area, upper thigh or near the belly, the hernia appearing in the abdomen is the most commonly found type of hernia. Moreover, the hernia can impact the body in the long run but there are times when it needs to be treated on an urgent basis as extreme pain can to multiple complexities.
The top laparoscopic surgeons focus on surgery as the ultimate treatment option to cure the problem of hernia. There may be different types of hernia surgeries but the commonly adopted surgery by hernia specialists includes the open surgery, the robotic hernia repair surgery and lastly, the most widely used form of surgery is the laparoscopic hernia repair that provides a faster recovery to the patient and is also painless.
Before carrying the discussion further, we must remain aware of the major causes that lead to the occurrence of hernia in males. The most common cause is identified in terms of the straining of the muscles along with muscle weakness. Thus, depending on the severity, the hernia might emerge immediately or it can gradually develop after a long time. Multiple reasons exist behind muscle weakening and straining:
The key advantage of this kind of surgical procedure is that unlike open surgery where one single incision is made in the body, the laparoscopic surgeons made three little incisions or scars and you feel relatively less pain after the surgery as compared to the open surgery. In addition to this, the patient can return to work within very less time due to the shorter recovery period. This can be reduced to days instead of weeks.
One of the minimally invasive treatments of hernia, laparoscopic surgery for hernia repair utilizes a telescope-like instrument that is introduced in the body through a small incision that is made at the place where the belly button is located. The patient is expected to undergo a general health check-up as the surgery is performed under anesthesia. Further, the patient does not feel any kind of pain during the surgery when a small camera is inserted in the body to have an inside view.
To have a clear view of the position of different organs in the body, the laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Jaipur uses the carbon dioxide gas so that the abdomen can be inflated. Thereafter, the inner lining of the abdomen is cut so that the abdominal wall weakness can be identified. Furthermore, surgical tapes are used to cover the small incisions once the hernia surgery is completed.