Best Pile fissure fistula hemorrhoids Surgery Center in kuchaman city nagaur

Best Pile fissure fistula hemorrhoids Surgery Center in kuchaman city nagaur

With the best Piles fissure fistula hemorrhoids surgery center in kuchaman city nagaur, ease your way to pain-free and healthy living. Most of the people suffering from these anorectal problems are not able to clearly distinguish between them and thus cannot explain the problem with which they are suffering. Piles or hemorrhoids can be identified as the swollen veins that are found in the lower part of the anal canal and these are generally painless. On the other hand, the fissure generally occurs due to a small cut or tear in the skin near the anus. Fissures are highly painful. While the fistula can be recognized as a small opening that has pus inside and develops in the skin around the anus.

Get yourself treated with the best Piles fissure fistula hemorrhoids surgery center in kuchaman city nagaur

Several treatment options are available to patients that aims at providing quality proctology care to the patients. This includes both the surgical and non-surgical treatments and further, the different surgical treatment is found to be minimally invasive with no stitches, no blood, and no cuts. But most of the patients do not like to discuss the problem which further graves the problem. Some of the surgical procedures that can be adopted for treating piles, fissure, fistula, and hemorrhoids include:

Hemorrhoidectomy: This is a surgical procedure adopted to remove hemorrhoids in which the surgeon makes tiny cuts around the anus area to slightly remove the hemorrhoids. This is an outpatient or laparoscopic procedure in which the local or general anesthesia is given depending upon the condition of the patient. Thus, patients can expect an early visit to their home.

Sphincterotomy: The best Piles fissure fistula hemorrhoids surgery center in kuchaman city nagaur generally adopts the surgical procedure to treat anorectal problem of the fissure. The sphincter muscles that surround the anus area are cut which results in releasing the tension and thus, fissures can be allowed to heal. Moreover, the procedure can be adopted through open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. In case of closed or laparoscopic procedure, the surgeon will pass the blade through the skin to cut the sphincter muscles.

Moreover, before choosing any specific treatment procedure, the most important thing is to get the problem diagnosed correctly. The symptoms play a crucial role in this. Have a look over the symptoms of these problems so that these can be correctly diagnosed:

Symptoms of piles:

  • Itching and pain near the anus
  • Blood visible during bowel movement
  • Redness and soreness near the anus area
  • A lump formed near anus due to coagulation of blood leading to excessive pain.

Symptoms of anal fissure:

  • Burning and itching in the anus
  • During a bowel movement, sharp pain can be observed
  • After wiping, streaks of blood in stools and toilet paper are visible

Symptoms of anal fistula:

  • Frequent anal abscesses
  • Regular bleeding
  • Foul-smelling drainage called pus that is released from the opening around the anus.
  • Excessive pain during bowel movement

Thus, the best Piles fissure fistula hemorrhoids surgery center in kuchaman city nagaur provides customized treatment to patients after clearly identifying the problem. But the success of the treatment depends on the patients also as they can explain their conditions well. Don’t hesitate and explain all the symptoms to the doctor so that the correct treatment approach can be adopted.