Laser Varicose Veins Surgery Doctors in Jaipur

Laser Varicose Veins Surgery Doctors in Jaipur

Mark an end to your search for one of the best laser varicose veins surgery doctors in Jaipur. Most of the people suffering from varicose veins are generally not aware of this and therefore, they are not able to diagnose the disease and land up in great discomfort. Varicose veins are recognized as twisted, enlarged and swollen veins that appear in dark blue or purple color on the legs and feet. The problem occurs when the faulty and damaged valves in the veins lead to blood flow in the opposite direction. In patients found with severe conditions, varicose ulcers can be observed on the skin due to the rupture of the varicose veins. This type of condition needs immediate treatment so that the problem does not get worse.

Let us have an understanding of the major causes that are responsible for the occurrence of varicose veins:

  • Standing for prolonged hours
  • Persons above the age of 50
  • pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Hereditary reasons

Laser Varicose Veins Surgery Doctors in Jaipur: A boon to people suffering from varicose veins

The treatment for varicose veins includes a wide variety of options that range from varicose veins surgery, laser treatment, lifestyle changes, and compression. Endovenous laser varicose vein surgery is one of the laser surgery treatment options that utilize heat from the laser for decreasing the occurrence of varicose veins. A thin beam of radiation primarily in the form of light from a laser machine is used to treat the problem of varicose veins. This kind of laser surgery treatment is generally adopted when the patient is suffering from a larger varicose vein that is existing for a long time.

Most of the laser varicose veins surgery doctors in Jaipur adopt this approach for treatment as the laser surgery results in the closing and shrinking of the varicose veins leading to the occurrence of scar tissues in the vein. Thus, the doctors after performing the laser surgery to seal off the affected vein and ensure that the blood flow is maintained through the nearby veins.

Moreover, the surgeons for varicose veins treatment suggest for endovenous laser varicose vein surgery if the patients experience swollen, sore and red varicose veins along with the irritation over the skin. Apart from Endovenous laser treatment, simple laser treatment is also suggested in conditions when the patient is suffering from tiny varicose veins or the small spider veins.

Although the surgery help patients to get relief to a great extent, there are certain risks associated with the laser surgery that needs to be taken care of:

  • The risk associated with the injuries that relate to the common bile duct and its functioningLow or mild pain in the vein
  • Nerve damage
  • Blood clots
  • A significant change in the skin color over the vein that has treated
  • Infection

Besides this, there are also other risks associated with the laser surgery that exclusively differ from patient to patient.

The laser varicose veins surgery doctors in Jaipur suggest that before choosing a treatment option, the pros and cons for each method should be properly evaluated so that the best treatment can be provided. Furthermore, the size, condition as well as symptoms of the individual patient are also required to be taken care of while choosing the laser surgery method for treating varicose veins.